Tuesday, October 26, 2010

omg....HE'S A VIRGIN???

SHE SAID... So David you're 23.. Excuse me for saying this.. Extremely blessed in the looks department.. Educated.. funny.. AND you love the Lord.. how have you managed to not get sucked into a womans bed?

HE SAID... First off, thank you for the compliments. You're too kind! I would say that the easiest place to start on this issue is my foundation. I come from a very humble, old fashioned background. I have always believed in chivalry and true love. As a kid first learning about sex, I always said that I at least wanted to be in love with my partner. When I was about 15 a youth minister at my church began conducting Bible Studies that allowed me a Biblical perspective on sex. From that point, I made a pact with God that I would wait until I was married. As you will find out, it has been a long, difficult path, but I am doing just fine.

SHE SAID... Do you date?

HE SAID... Lol yes I date. I date a lot actually. The reason I date so much is that some girls will lose interest in a guy that they know they have no chance of consummating a relationship with. Men and women thrive on sex to such an extent that it becomes a critical element in our decisions to date someone or dump them, or even more radical, to mess around with someone outside of the relationship. Sex is just such a complication!!


HE SAID... To my knowledge, I have not been cheated on. I can't say definitively that I have not, but by the same token, by not having sexual ties with any of these women, I have escaped a lot of emotional trauma associated with break ups. Thank God for that!!

SHE SAID... Have you experienced a "Jezebell" have women tried to seduce you? How close have you come to falling? What made you stop?

HE SAID... Well I am not one who particularly cares for the spotlight, so I have avoided a vast majority of the temptresses because of that. However I am a former college athlete, and we are aware of the gravitation towards enetertainers. I would like to take the blame for my near falls though. I have placed myself in some terrible situations. The only thing I could say for the fact that I didn't fall is that GOD permeated my soul and spoke through my mouth, telling them that I did not want to do it. For that, I am grateful.

SHE SAID... WOW that's respectable and admirable... especially as an athlete. People always say "You wouldn't buy a car without test driving it first"... What do you say to them? What about you.. will you really marry a woman without knowing if she is good in bed?

HE SAID... Well as far as knowing if a woman is "good" or not, I'm operating under the assumption that I won't know the difference lol. In fact, I'm almost certain that she will be the best ever in my opinion. This is just my theory, but I think that is what God had in mind when he confined sex to marriage. If each of us only had ONE sexual partner, we wouldn't have anyone to compare our partner to, thus relieving us of adultery and a large percentage of divorce. We must learn contentment at some point. Test drive a car, fine, but men and women are of far more value, and should not be treated or compared with cars.

SHE SAID... Oh so the whole the best sex is blessed sex is your theory ok ok I got you... so would you marry a woman that had already before had sex?

HE SAID... I'd definitely say the best sex is blessed sex. We try to do too much, and we try to rationalize too many things. Not sure, but I'd say God had a pretty good idea of what he was doing when he implemented these things...much better than anything we can alter and desensitize ourselves from.

I would absolutely marry a woman who has had sex before. I have no issue with one who chose not to wait, so long as she is comfortable with the decision that I have made, and has had adequate time to reflect on her past sexual encounters.

SHE SAID... what would you tell a brother that has decided to wait but thinks it's not worth the wait anymore?

HE SAID... Brothers, THE ONLY TIME YOU KNOW SHE IS THE ONE FOR YOU IS WHEN YOU HAVE ENTERED INTO A MARITAL COVENANT. LOVE IS NOT ENOUGH. We are tricked into thinking that we love someone and that it will last forever. That may be true, but it may not be true. If you want to wait for that one woman that God has for you, do not be fooled at the first sign of love. I don't have a crystal ball, but I am banking on the fact that it will be worth the wait. I advise everyone else who shares similar sentiments to do the same.

SHE SAID... Thank you David for being so open and honest about your sex life. Not a lot of men out there are willing to admit "I'm a virgin" and actually be happy or proud of it!!! Even if you are not a virgin.. it's not to late to stop having sex.. Celibacy is a beautiful thing... and I encourage you all to stop giving into your flesh and actually WAIT..!!!!


  1. Very good article and a very great piece to spread between the masses!

  2. Thank you thank you!! Glory to God he has raised a strong man!!

  3. This is a good read ...thank you.

  4. Great article!! And great words from a guy who chooses to wait! :)

  5. This was awesome! Proud of ya David! "WORTH THE WAIT"

  6. Great post!
    David, God will really bless your patience! I know what you mean when you say you date alot but it doesnt go far... A guy told me that he "wont buy the cow until he tastes the milk" and even a preachers son told me that he could "take it if he really wanted to." I know the struggle but fornication isnt worth my soul! #TeamCelibate! ;-D

  7. I love this. Amazing!!!!! Thanks for the encouragement with this sensitive subject, really needed it.
    teensofgrace.blogspot.com xxx
