Saturday, July 24, 2010

The true meaning of the words "I Love You" and how understated those words really are coming from both genders mouths.

HE SAID: ... As a man of God when I see those three soooo simple words - but soooo complex words - put into a phrase - My mind goes into a thought process that alot of people would never imagine - Think about something that is Unbreakable - Unconditional - Agape - Undestructable - Unstoppable - Unsurpassable - Something that cant be broken by rumors or friends or family - absolutely nothing can break this LOVE. When it comes to the person I decide to attempt to bond myself with - I take all the time needed - with the most picky process - because thats what I want - I want perfection - I want something that is so rare in this world today. People have skewered meanings of these words - and the answer is so clear... I picked up my bible and re-read the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only person that can teach us how to love. Do you think they just all of a sudden tapped on Jesus's shoulder one day and said your going to die for these sinners?  He was crucified - beaten - whipped - spit upon - for the people today who cant even take time out of their day to get down on one knee and thank him. Is that not unconditional? Jesus Christ had to have a type of love that takes you past anything you could ever think of. So love in your relationship? Think about if you had the love that Jesus had for us when he died on the cross in your relationship! With that said do you think you are using the words "I Love You" Loosely?

SHE SAID:... When I read these words I instantly thought of a poem I found awhile ago... it goes likes this..
You cannot Love Jesus or the Father above,or anyone else without the True meaning of Love.

Love is enduring it is patient and kind; Love never wavers from the Truth so Divine.
Love is not jealous, boastful, or proud; Love is so gentle, so meek, it's so mild.
Love is not greedy for fortune or wealth; it cares more about others, and less about self.
Love is not forceful, it does not intrude; Love is not fretful, resentful, or rude.
Love is forgiving and forgetting a wrong; Love is not fearful, it is courages and strong.
Before you say that I Love you, behold and take heed; it's not in just words, but in thought, and in deed.
This meaning of Love is Faithful and True; So remember what it means too say I Love You !

The 3 little words I LOVE YOU hold so much meaning and value yet people have such low standards they apply to love. To truly love someone unconditionally as Jesus did is to overlook every fault.. every wrong they've ever done and truly just LOVE them.. Its nearly impossible for most to look past faults and love as Jesus did. Jesus' love was pure it was untainted.. how do we get to that place?? Woman are so broken and bitter tainted by their pasts they dont know how to love because they dont even love themselves.. and dont know how to.. how do we go from there? How do we get to the forever kind of love?

1 comment:

  1. God is love so unless a person understands and seeks God then they will not experience love. They can experience lust and romantic moments. For a man and woman to be in love and experience the depth of love, God MUSt be in the equation or there is no love. And love is alot of things, including some long suffering &sacrifice...that's the love that Jesus showed us ;)
