Sunday, September 26, 2010

Soul Ties... lives tangled together.. Breaking the Unholy Ties that Bind us

SHE SAID: We are busy confusing Love with Lust... Laying down with different men and women.. allowing our hearts.. our souls to become one with someone and then on to the next when we're fed up and bored.. tired of seeing their face leaving an emptiness that cant be replaced.. yearning to find something more... BROTHERS AND SISTERS.. soul ties are REAL.

God said to save ourselves until marriage. He said it for a reason. He warns us!! When we have sex with someone else we become one with them. How many men can a woman actually become one with before she loses everything about herself? How many men must have a piece of you before you realize that you're no longer the woman God created you to be? Soul ties bind to exactly that OUR SOULS they knit together.

I personally have experienced the havoc of soul ties. So many pieces of my soul had went with others to the point that I was truly broken. I didn't know how I'd ever get back all the pieces, But in this day so many men pressure women to just do it... so many women are getting paid for it.. it's become nothing to most.. What do we have to lose? It's just sex... and our children are having sex younger and younger.. 13 and 14 even younger imagine how many soul ties that little girl will have by the time she's graduated high school. The confusion that sets in the anger the resentment towards the men who have willingly taken a piece of us as they slipped their pants on and left.

HE SAID: What a tangled web we weave...I mean it literally. We've all heard these things before, but there appears to be no better teacher than experience. I know it feels good. I know it's advertised everywhere, seen on every television program, imbedded deep in the core of the music industry, but what does God say? If we were to consider one greater character flaw than any other, it would be that we believe ourselves to be impregnable to the woes of the "average man/woman". We think every other person is susceptible to man's plight, particularly when it comes to sex. Generally speaking, we are all wired the same way as humans, and each sexual partner that we have adds a little to distorted mental make up, while subtracting from the Godly soul that we were entrusted with.

Why does God advise against sexual immorality in general, and more specifically, sex outside the confines of marriage? I would contend, though this is my opinion, that the answer can be found in the domestic violence, keyed cars, suicide, etc that stems from some sort of relationship. We fail to realize that the potential behind these relationships, though they may appear harmless, can very well prohibit us from letting go of situations that God may be trying to deliever us from. And all this for the simple fact that there now rests a bit of our soul in that individual. We are meant to be unified with one individual, that being our marital partner. Period.

Check out this amazing YouTube done on SoulTies

1 comment:

  1. In dealing with a person who was breaking free from a coven of witches we discovered that they believe in and count on soul ties to keep a person bound. They purposefully have their members have sex with several people in the coven so they can use the partners as a stand in to cast spells on an individual who tries to leave or otherwise upsets the coven.
    One night this individual began to feel intense heat on their feet. The Lord led us to ask them to confess every sexual relationship known or unknown while a part of the coven. The pain stopped as the confession was poured out. I received a call 20 minutes later that one of the witches was in the hospital with 2nd and 3rd degree burns on her feet. The police wanted our friend for questioning because the witch was accusing them of doing this to her.
    Dear friends run from sin. It will keep you longer than you want to stay and cost you more than you want to pay.
    (NLT)2 Timothy 2:22
    Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the Lord with pure hearts.
